#7castiel07 May 2019 China因为马上要去新西兰找工作了,所以想要一份ITA之后的checklist,这样可以先在国内准备好材料.谢谢各位大神
2楼alewaterL2(08 May 2019, Hongkong)每个人的checklist都不一样@TA
3楼Jack LiuL9(23 May 2019, Intranet)https://www.immigration.govt.nz/documents/checklists/china/checklist-for-china-resident-visa-skilled-migrant-category.pdf@TA
□ 1. A signed and completed application form □ 2. Application fee □ 3. National Security Check Form (INZ1209) * □ 4. Additional Information Form (INZ1200) * □ 5. A current passport(s) or certificate of identity for each applicant □ 6. A full birth certificate(s) for each applicant □ 7. Completed medical certificate(s) for each applicant □ 8. Police certificate(s) □ 9. Partnership evidence * □ 10. English language evidence □ 11. Employer Supplementary Form (INZ1235) * □ 12. Employment Agreement and job description* □ 13. IRD Summary of Earnings and payslips * □ 14. Evidence of occupational registration * □ 15. Qualification certificate(s) and transcript(s) * □ 16. Work Experience evidence* □ 17. Partner’s qualification * □ 18. Partner’s employment agreement and job description *@TA
#2Michael_Carl15 May 2019 China现在的说法是读PGD,不属于紧急长期技能列表,不能申请加分。 我的疑问是,从下面18年11月份出的这个变动政策看,字面上理解,关于申请配偶工签这一项,似乎是针对学生本人的以前资历是否属于长期紧缺列表,而不是就读的PGD是否属。 例如我以前本科是电气工程,学士学位,按道理讲应该属于紧缺列表,是可以申请配偶工签的。 请高人解惑,感谢! require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa.
Changes to post-study work rights for international students come into effect on 26 November 2018 Friday, 9 November 2018 On 8 August 2018, the government announced changes to the Post-study work visa policy to ensure that post-study pathways for international students are fit for purpose and provide the skills and qualifications New Zealand needs. These changes will come into effect on 26 November 2018.
The changes will:
remove the employer-assisted post-study work visas at all levels provide a 1-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications, with an additional year for Graduate Diploma graduates who are working towards registration with a professional or trade body provide a 2-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications outside Auckland, provided study is completed by December 2021, at which point the entitlement for post-study work rights reverts to a 1-year Post-study open work visa provide a 3-year Post-study open work visa for degree Level 7 or above qualifications require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa.
2楼Michael_Carl(15 May 2019, China)纠正一下,第一行文字表述有误,应该是: 现在的说法是读PGD,不属于紧急长期技能列表,不能申请配偶工签@TA
3楼t2L1(22 May 2019, China)目前的政策貌似是读PGD的过程中不能担保配偶工签,但如果顺利毕业并取得open工签后就能担保配偶工签了...@TA
当前的工作地点是在新西兰的奥克兰地区以外 +30分
这里的工作是指相关技术工作还是指任意一份工作(只要在奥克兰地区以外) 回复
另外,如果有了JSV,离岸找工作(远程视频面试)是否相对登陆新西兰找工作,还是有难度?有些雇主看你是离岸申请,即使知道你有JSV,可能都不会给面试机会? 回复
require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa.
Changes to post-study work rights for international students come into effect on 26 November 2018
Friday, 9 November 2018
On 8 August 2018, the government announced changes to the Post-study work visa policy to ensure that post-study pathways for international students are fit for purpose and provide the skills and qualifications New Zealand needs. These changes will come into effect on 26 November 2018.
The changes will:
remove the employer-assisted post-study work visas at all levels
provide a 1-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications, with an additional year for Graduate Diploma graduates who are working towards registration with a professional or trade body
provide a 2-year Post-study open work visa for students studying Level 4 to 6 and non-degree Level 7 qualifications outside Auckland, provided study is completed by December 2021, at which point the entitlement for post-study work rights reverts to a 1-year Post-study open work visa
provide a 3-year Post-study open work visa for degree Level 7 or above qualifications
require international students studying Level 8 qualifications to be in an area specified on the Long Term Skill Shortage list in order for their partner to be eligible for an open work visa. 回复